Monday, August 8, 2011

Banana Republic has gone Mad!

For Mad Men that is!

If you are anything like me, your heart sank a little when AMC announced that Mad Men would be on hiatus until next year. What is a girl to do when needing a little Don Draper fix? Why shop of course! And for what better than Mad Men inspired threads. 

Mad Men costume designer Janie Bryant teamed up with Banana to create shear genius. Now all of the seemingly untouchable masterpieces on the show, are available to the masses! (and at a pretty affordable cost)

The collection will be available online August 10 and will be in a store near you this fall! 

These are just a few of my favorites, but check out here and here to start your wish list today!! I would love to hear what you can't wait to own. 


  1. Love this! Very excited! :)

  2. The orange dress is adorable. Holland this dress is perfect for you! I might get it myself :-)
