Friday, February 18, 2011

A life unknown.

A unique perspective on motherhood.

It is strange to me. So many women living a life that I have no understanding of. I thought by this point in my path, a late twenties post grad with a great job, I would look in the mirror and more closely resemble them. I am sure you know the ones that I am referring to.

Growing up I dreamt of the ring. I knew, without a doubt, that I would be married with the perfect token placed proud upon my hand and a graceful little tot in tow. But this isn't my life.

Instead, I am the attendee not the honoree, at the parties (two this week to be exact). Wishing others congratulations and watching their love and joy. With that being said, in complete truth I am happy showing up with my gift, offering my warm regards and leaving it all behind. It would be a lie if I said these are not things that I hope for one day, but today is not that day. The freedom and independence that can only come from being a singular entity is something that I adore. One day I will gladly relinquish this status for a new existence, but until then I am just me.


  1. You're just you and beautiful! We're kinda in the same boat though. I'm 28 with a Bachelor's degree and going back for another Bachelor's. NO great job yet. And NO man to speak of. But, my life is still beautiful and I'm lucky for every minute, even though it isn't where I thought I'd be by now. :)

  2. @Sarah: I love your positive attitude! That is why I value strong, beautiful women like you surrounding me!
